Sunday, December 13, 2009


5 more days

5 more days and I will be sitting in the cozy living room of my grandma's house, sipping coffee and watching White Christmas

5 more days and I will be hugging my girlfriends and catching up on everything both big and small

5 more days and I will be looking at the ocean and walking down Newport Avenue with my husband and a hot cup of hot chocolate.

5 more days and I will be home

my grandma's christmas tree

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wham Bam, Thank you Mam

Well, it happened.

I got in my first car accident while driving in Mexico City.

I will quickly follow that up with the fact that me and the tiny baby inside of me are ok.

It was a minor accident; one that was completely my fault. In short, I was in traffic, looked right to change lanes, then hit the car in front of me. It took a total of 3 seconds to happen and a whopping 3 1/2 hours to deal with the aftermath.

James and I only just bought our car and have yet to buy insurance for it. Luckily, it is not illegal to be without insurance in Mexico, in fact, only about 30% of people here do have it.

I was extremely thankful to have hit probably the nicest family I have ever met. They told me not to worry, and once they found out I was pregnant, they immedietly had me sit in their car, while the man's wife showed me breathing techniques to lessen the emotional impact on the baby.

Not going to lie, it was a bit weird and I had a hard time believing it was doing anything, but for how nice they were being, I'm pretty sure I would have done jumping jacks while singing "I'm a Little Tea Cup" if she told me to.

After all was said and done, everything got taken care of and our car is currently in the shop awaiting an estimate. While the man I hit left with barely a scratch on his bumper, our old VW wagon came away needing to be towed, with parts hanging on the group and a radiator that may need to be replaced.

We are both bummed for the amount of money this will hit us with, and the 1-2 weeks without a car, making my commute to work in the mornings almost 2 hours long instead of the usual 30 minute drive.

But after taking a step back and really looking at the situation we are both incredibly thankful. Thankful that it was a minor accident, thankful that me and the baby are healthy and safe, thankful that the people we hit were very understanding and nice, and thankful that we have the means to pay to fix this.

So I leave this post with a heaping scoop of thankfulness and a bit of a sore neck.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Simple Life

I am not a country girl....

But lately I have been day dreaming about living somewhere like this...

A quaint farmhouse nestled in the mountains and trees.

This is what living in Mexico City long enough will do to you.

It will make you long for the seclusion and simplicity of country life.

Although, I'm pretty sure I would quickly tire of this life once I realized the nearest grocery store was 1 hour away and the ocean was no where to be found.

But still.... it's nice to day dream sometimes.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


There are so many big things I am thankful for this year.

my husband

my family

my friends

our new house

our growing baby

our sweet dog

But when I try and think of the little things I am thankful for, I find it's a challenge. Living in Mexico City can be overwhelming at times. It is literally a concrete jungle and with people moving at a mile a minute, it's hard to find any real connection in the day to day.

When I lived in San Diego it was so easy to be thankful for the little things. The beauty of the ocean, the cool breeze, the local coffee shop, the lazy walks down my favorite beachy neighborhood. I was always surrounded by so much beauty.

This Thanksgiving, I am pushing myself to go beyond the big things, and to really search for the little things. The kind person on the metro who gives the old woman their seat, the pretty park we have by our house where there are always families and children playing. It may be harder to find, but I am making it my goal this season to look harder for them.

Every Tuesday on one of my favorite blogs, Chatting at the Sky, there is something called Tuesdays Unwrapped. This is a time when everyone writes in about something they are thankful for. It talks about going beyond the obvious and becoming an intentional noticer.

I love that phrase, "intentional noticer." This is my goal for the holidays and even more, in the day to day, to intentionally notice the beauty around me, even if it seems hard to find.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear You

Dear son or daughter of ours,

This is my first time writing to you, and hopefully not my last. 4 months ago when I started this blog I had no idea what it would turn into. It is a bit about everything, from life in Mexico City to life with your dad and our ever growing marriage, to everyday happenings. But now, I have a sneaking suspicion, it will be mostly about you.

You are a joy that your dad and I had no idea was coming a little over a year ago. You are a surprise and a blessing. You are your dad and I's biggest anticipation. We love you so much and we haven't even met you.

Somehow, though, I feel as though we are getting to know each other more and more every time I look down and touch my ever slightly growing belly.

I can't wait to hold you, to watch you sleeping on your dad's shoulder. I can't wait to introduce you to Lila, our dog. I have a pretty good idea that you two will be fast friends. Just watch out, she licks.

Every time I think of you my heart is full. It's full of my love for you and the ever deepening love I have for your dad. I can't wait for you to meet him. He's one of a kind. He will scoop you up and love you with such great passion. That's how he loves everyone, with passion. He is pretty amazing and will teach you so many things.

I can't wait to sing to you and to play with you in the park. I could go on and on about what I look forward to experiencing with you.

Right now I will continue to enjoy having you growing inside of me. By Saturday you will be the size of a plum and a third of the way through the journey of coming into this world. Keep growing my little plum. I love you.


Sunday, November 8, 2009


The last month and a half has consisted of mostly three things for me....




then sleep some more.

This first trimester of pregnancy has kicked me on my butt and zapped out any ounce of energy I had in me. I've managed to bypass the vomiting and sickness, but with back aches and droopy eyes I feel about the same as a 60 year old woman (no offense meant to 60 year old women).

My wonderful husband has hung in there, but I can't help but feel bad when all I want to do when I get home from work is put on some sweatpants and jump into bed. Needless to say, we've been lacking on the quality time.

I hear good things about the second trimester. Energy is supposed to come back and most sickness is gone.

I'm looking forward to that second trimester.

So much so that I might throw a second trimester party, entitled, "I'm Back!"

In the mean time I am reminding myself that there's a life growing inside of me, so it's ok to be tired.

I heard the heartbeat a couple weeks ago.

So exciting.

I even saw the blob that is our baby.

And it was just that...

a blob.

So happy for our blob.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1 year

James and I have been living in Mexico City for 1 year today. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year. It's even harder to believe how much has changed in that year.

A year ago today, James and I were hugging my grandma goodbye, packing our backpacks into our friend Andy's truck, and crossing the Tijuana border to the airport.

We arrived in Mexico with just one bag of clothes each and little clue as to what our future would hold. James' job with the Micro Finance company wasn't working out and I was jobless. Each day was a guessing game; would we have enough money to stay, or would we be heading back to the states with our tails between our legs.

I quickly got a part time job teaching english which was our sole source of income for about 3 months. We slept on an air mattress in our empty apartment, carefully considered which food items we really needed, and hoped that things would get better.

February came and I found myself with a wonderful new full time job with a consistent paycheck and benefits. James enrolled in a grad school program and we welcomed our dog, Lila, into our family. Our apartment soon became filled with furniture and our food budget now allowed us some "going out money."

Now, a whole year later, we are preparing to move into a new house, both working on our masters degrees, and in 7 months, we will welcome our first child into this world. Yes, that's right. I am pregnant.

Life is unexpected and wonderful. It's ups and downs and spins and twirls. It's messy and beautiful, often at the same time.

I am thankful for this past year. I am thankful for Mexican street food. I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful for the life growing inside of me.

I am thankful for that air mattress.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One of those days...

Today is just one of those days... a day when life seems to catch up with you and decides to lay it's fat self right on top of you so that you lay there uncomfortably, having a hard time breathing, just waiting for it to get off of you. Kind of like being stuck in traffic in Mexico City.

Like that time James and I were stuck in traffic in a taxi for 2 hours... in the rain... with a driver with a lead foot... with a car sick dog on our laps... a dog that proceeded to vomit all over James... with 1 hour still to go in the ride...

You know... those days.

But today, life made the kind gesture of reminding me that I have the most amazing husband on earth... possibly the universe.

So thanks for making it up to me life. After the vomit there's always a hot shower waiting.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I have officially finished my first class as a graduate student. Well.... the in class part, not the actual class. I still have one hefty group project ahead of me, but the long days are over. It was only 8 days, but it managed to suck all the energy out of me.

My grad school situation is unique. I am getting my degree in International Education through Buffalo State SUNY, but the program is designed specifically for international teachers. There are 2 classes a semester and the professors are flown down to Mexico City to give an 8 day intensive course. Intensive is a great word for it because every day this week I got to work around 7:15, finished work around 2:45, started class around 3, finished class around 7, and got home around 7:45.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted. I took a 3 1/2 hour nap today and am already feeling better. I look forward to a restful Sunday and a work week that won't be quite so long.

I look forward to REST. Rejuvenation. Time with my husband. Walks in the park with my dog. Baking cookies. Listening to music. Reading for FUN. The little things that make life so good. I will leave you with a picture of what this afternoon looked like for me.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hit the Books

Well, I am officially a Graduate Student. I have my first class today.... Saturday..... for 8 hours. While I'm not so excited about waking up early on my only day to sleep in, and missing out on lazy, relaxing time with my husband, I am excited to start learning.

Taking a year off from school between my bachelors degree and my masters has been an awesome decision. It gave me time to enjoy no homework, coming home from work and not having to think about the reading that's due next class, and I have been able to read solely for pleasure. 

But now, I am ready. Bring it on long reading assignments, papers and research!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Away We Go

I just watched this movie and it is now one of my new favs. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it. I promise it will be time well spent. 

The story chronicles the relationship between Bert (John Krasinski) and Verona (Maya Rudolph). They are 30-somethings who find themselves about to have a baby with not much else figured out. They head out on a road trip to find a new place to live, visiting a handful of cities and people, all different and quirky in their own right. 

What I loved most about this story is the realness of it and the beauty of the love between these two characters. It's not a cheesy over the top kind of love, but a sustainable one. 

The soundtrack is pretty awesome, too, with most of the songs coming from the soothing voice of Alexi Murdoch.  

So there you have it. If I haven't convinced you to go see this movie, than forget what I've said and go see it anyway. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One year

One year ago, September 14th, 2008 I married my best friend. Cheesy sounding, I know, but so completely true. It was seriously such an awesome and beautiful day to celebrate love. Not only the love between James and I, but the love of family and dear, dear friends who all worked so hard to help make that day wonderful.   

That date also marked the beginning of the amazing, crazy journey James and I have been on since. It's been almost a year that we have lived in Mexico City. I still remember when we first got here and I would cry over the uncertainty of jobs, a place to live, friends. I missed San Diego and my friends there more than anything. It was in those moments that I realized how amazing my husband was; I mean, I already knew it, but it was a nice affirmation. He would hold me and comfort me and at the same time, push me to get outside of my comfort zone. 

As the months went on, we started to gain a bit more stability, but for so much of that time we were each other's only stability. Our marriage was the one certain thing we had. 

It's amazing to see how far we've come. From only an air mattress on the ground of our apartment, to having an amazing job, being enrolled in masters programs, having wonderful friends and an amazing house church. And now, as a nice anniversary gift, a fully furnished apartment. 

This journey has been incredible and I have had the best partner to tackle it with.

Just as James said in his vows, "in my lifelong quest to love others, you will always be my first other." 

I think that just about sums it all up.  

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rain and Pumpkin Spice

It's rainy and cold in Mexico City; has been most of the summer. Although I spent a large portion of this summer wishing I was laying in the warm sand on the beach in San Diego, I have now converted to wishing it was winter and Christmas time. 

I'm wishing for Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks and curling up with a good book and some hot chocolate around a warm fire.

James even caught me listening to Christmas music the other day. I couldn't help myself. I was just randomly searching through music on itunes and happened upon this Christmas album.

So, so, so, so good. I cannot wait to purchase it, but I'm holding out until it's a more appropriate time to sing along to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with Jack Johnson.

Thinking of Christmas time and the winter season has gotten me thinking more about our new home. I can't wait to make it cozy; to walk into that warm homey feeling after a long day at work. To curl up on the couch with James and Lila and a fresh cup of coffee. 

I also can't wait to be home visiting with family and good friends. I want to watch White Christmas with my Mimi (grandma) and my sister (a yearly tradition). I can't wait to catch up over coffee with old friends while wearing boots and warm coats.

But, I will stop wishing time away and enjoy life right now..... and occasionally listen to Christmas songs when James isn't home.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good things

Today started like any other. I left the house and headed to work before sunrise, packed myself into a stuffed metro car and held on for the always jerky ride. I attempted to find some personal space, but it was lost in the mass of overly fragrant Mexican men around me. As I felt the man behind me getting a little too close to my backside, I arched my back uncomfortably to create some distance. 

Everyone was silent around me in their early morning-I'm on my way to work and I still haven't woken up-haze. I stood there silent like the rest of them, giving it my best attempt to blend in. Believe me, it's better to be just another face in the crowd than to stick out like a foreigner with a sore thumb. Luckily my Persian heritage helps with that.

I noticed a girl in front of me who stood in front of the door without holding on to something to aid in her balance. Now, if you've ever ridden a metro car in Mexico City than you know that to not hold onto something while in motion is like asking to fall into an angry stranger's lap, or smack an unsuspecting traveler in the face as you hit the ground. Basically, the ride is extremely jerky and unpredictable and keeping your balance is key to a successful ride. 

It wasn't until I looked down that I noticed she was holding onto a walking stick. I looked up and saw a far off look in her eyes and quickly realized she was blind. I thought in my head of guiding her hand to a metal bar to hold onto, but didn't act. Something kept the thought in my head and the action just an idea. 

A minute or so later, the man in front of me did just that. He gently took her hand and placed it on a bar while explaining what he was doing to her. It was a simple gesture, but it impacted me. 

Those early morning metro rides are so mundane. Everyone in that car is completely disconnected. It's a group of practically lifeless people solely concerned with getting to where they need to be. 

Seeing that man help that girl was like a wave of fresh air washing through that car. Catching people in the act of doing something good creates life. In those moments, that is life; and it's a beautiful thing. 

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Love You, Man

I just watched this movie for the second time today and I can't get over how much I LOVE Rashida Jones' clothes in this movie! I want her entire wardrobe! And I wouldn't mind living in that amazing house she and Paul Rudd's character live in. Basically I just love it all. Plus it's pretty much hilarious; so watch it if you haven't.

Awesome yellow top

Love the colors

     Love, love, love the cardigan

Love the navy cardigan and the Florida top
Such a great teacher wardrobe! Wish it was mine.

         (the house from the movie)
Wouldn't mind if this was mine, either

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Wish I had the power of transport so I could go back here for a day.

One thing I miss most about San Diego is this view of Sunset Cliffs.

 Unfortunately one of the things D.F. lacks is a view of the pacific ocean and I won't be seeing it again until December when we go back for a visit. 

Saturday, August 22, 2009


So, as I mentioned before, we are moving into our first home and one of the first things we are going to do when we move in is paint. I have an idea in my head of what I'd like it to look like, but I'm not 100% sure. 

I found this picture on flicker and I like this combo of colors. 

I'm thinking the green for the living room, the brown, beige, and light redish for the office and the blues for the bedrooms. 

I'm also loving this couch! We found a guy who is selling it for a pretty good price and we are hoping to go look at it soon. We'll see if it's in as good of condition as it seems.

James and I are so excited to move in and get going on these little (and big) projects!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We're Moving!!!

James and I will be moving out of our small, cute and quirky apartment and into a house in the south of the city! We have absolutely loved spending our first year of marriage and our first year in Mexico City in our unpredictable apartment, but are so excited to have a bigger space and a place of our own. 

So... how are we able to move into a house, you might ask. Well, to make a long story short, James and his dad had made an investment that unfortunately didn't work out, and to make back their money, they were able to purchase this house for way below market value and will be able to sell it and make their investment back. Before they sell it, James and I will be living in it for the rest of our time in Mexico.

The house is a small 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, and a definite fixer-upper. We can't wait to paint it and fix it and make it our own.
We won't be moving in for a couple of months, but I will be sure to post pictures of it when I can. In the mean time, here are some pictures of our apartment now. 

                                                                  Lila in our bedroom

                      The covered out door hallway we've come to love; especially on rainy days

                                                                           The foyer

Our desk and work space

The living room

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Read and Listen

Reading this:

Listening to this:

Both sooo good. Fiona Apple in her video Criminal reminds me of the character of Cathy. Read it if you haven't; listen if you haven't. So good.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in the Grind

Vacation is officially over and I'm back at work.

Being a teacher has to be one of the best jobs ever because you get a whole summer off and then when you get back to work it's like you're the one starting school again. You see friends you haven't seen in months and ask the ever popular question, "how was your summer?" 

I love it. It makes going back to work so much more enjoyable. And I have to say, I am fond of having a routine. 

Grad school doesn't start until the end of September, so I have a little bit of time to just relax and enjoy being back at work and with the kids. 

Life is good and I'm so thankful to have a job I like, let alone a job at all. 

Saturday, August 8, 2009


My wonderful friend Brooke is getting married this January and I have the pleasure of being one of her bridesmaids. I cannot wait for the big day and to wear this awesome dress from Anthropologie.

Love it, love her.

Friday, August 7, 2009


One thing I really, really miss having...

A laundry machine to use whenever I want. 

Unfortunately here in Mexico City, unless you own one of these (which few people here do), your only options are to either take your clothes to an expensive Lavendaria, where they wash and dry your clothes for you, or to wash your clothes in a large sink on your roof, which is what James and I do most of the time.

            Here is a picture of the sink where we wash our clothes

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Life So Far

This is the first post in my new blog. I thought long and hard about whether or not to start this blog. One reason being, James and I already have one together that updates people on the major life happenings here in D.F. but I wanted something else. I wanted a place of my own where I could post my thoughts, both big and small. So I will kick it off with a quick run down of my life so far. I graduated college over a year ago, got married, moved to Mexico City, got an apartment, got a dog, got a job, made some great friends. It pretty much all happened in that order. 

It's been such a crazy and growing year for me. It's been hard and good. There were so many unknowns when we first moved here, it's amazing to see how far we've come. We spent the first 4 months here sleeping on an air mattress wondering if we'd have to move back to the states, and now we have a fully furnished apartment, full time jobs, and an awesome community of friends. Basically, life is good.

Here are a few photos of the past year.