Tuesday, November 24, 2009


There are so many big things I am thankful for this year.

my husband

my family

my friends

our new house

our growing baby

our sweet dog

But when I try and think of the little things I am thankful for, I find it's a challenge. Living in Mexico City can be overwhelming at times. It is literally a concrete jungle and with people moving at a mile a minute, it's hard to find any real connection in the day to day.

When I lived in San Diego it was so easy to be thankful for the little things. The beauty of the ocean, the cool breeze, the local coffee shop, the lazy walks down my favorite beachy neighborhood. I was always surrounded by so much beauty.

This Thanksgiving, I am pushing myself to go beyond the big things, and to really search for the little things. The kind person on the metro who gives the old woman their seat, the pretty park we have by our house where there are always families and children playing. It may be harder to find, but I am making it my goal this season to look harder for them.

Every Tuesday on one of my favorite blogs, Chatting at the Sky, there is something called Tuesdays Unwrapped. This is a time when everyone writes in about something they are thankful for. It talks about going beyond the obvious and becoming an intentional noticer.

I love that phrase, "intentional noticer." This is my goal for the holidays and even more, in the day to day, to intentionally notice the beauty around me, even if it seems hard to find.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear You

Dear son or daughter of ours,

This is my first time writing to you, and hopefully not my last. 4 months ago when I started this blog I had no idea what it would turn into. It is a bit about everything, from life in Mexico City to life with your dad and our ever growing marriage, to everyday happenings. But now, I have a sneaking suspicion, it will be mostly about you.

You are a joy that your dad and I had no idea was coming a little over a year ago. You are a surprise and a blessing. You are your dad and I's biggest anticipation. We love you so much and we haven't even met you.

Somehow, though, I feel as though we are getting to know each other more and more every time I look down and touch my ever slightly growing belly.

I can't wait to hold you, to watch you sleeping on your dad's shoulder. I can't wait to introduce you to Lila, our dog. I have a pretty good idea that you two will be fast friends. Just watch out, she licks.

Every time I think of you my heart is full. It's full of my love for you and the ever deepening love I have for your dad. I can't wait for you to meet him. He's one of a kind. He will scoop you up and love you with such great passion. That's how he loves everyone, with passion. He is pretty amazing and will teach you so many things.

I can't wait to sing to you and to play with you in the park. I could go on and on about what I look forward to experiencing with you.

Right now I will continue to enjoy having you growing inside of me. By Saturday you will be the size of a plum and a third of the way through the journey of coming into this world. Keep growing my little plum. I love you.


Sunday, November 8, 2009


The last month and a half has consisted of mostly three things for me....




then sleep some more.

This first trimester of pregnancy has kicked me on my butt and zapped out any ounce of energy I had in me. I've managed to bypass the vomiting and sickness, but with back aches and droopy eyes I feel about the same as a 60 year old woman (no offense meant to 60 year old women).

My wonderful husband has hung in there, but I can't help but feel bad when all I want to do when I get home from work is put on some sweatpants and jump into bed. Needless to say, we've been lacking on the quality time.

I hear good things about the second trimester. Energy is supposed to come back and most sickness is gone.

I'm looking forward to that second trimester.

So much so that I might throw a second trimester party, entitled, "I'm Back!"

In the mean time I am reminding myself that there's a life growing inside of me, so it's ok to be tired.

I heard the heartbeat a couple weeks ago.

So exciting.

I even saw the blob that is our baby.

And it was just that...

a blob.

So happy for our blob.