Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Day At Home

Today I get to have a glimpse of what it'd be like to be a stay-at-home-mom.

Our nanny had to stay home today to take care of her son and since we don't have a back up daycare plan (maybe we should get one of those), I got to stay home with the girl.

So far the day has gone something like this:

*Woke up at 6:30 to a smiley and still sleepy almost 9 month old, cuddled, changed a diaper, made a bottle and drank some coffee while playing with blocks

*8:30- nap time for baby, did a load of laundry, folded diapers, skype chatted with the sister

*10:00ish- nap time over, fed baby some apples and papayas then took baby and dog for a walk on an absolutely beautiful day

*10:30, returned, baby drank some juice and ate some crackers, played, I did another load of laundry

*12:30, another nap for baby, cleaned a bit, another load of laundry and blogging with a girly movie in the background and another cup of coffee in hand

It may sounds a bit mundane, but this has been one of the best days I've had in a while. I love spending these moments with Isa and getting to go through her routine with her.

As much as I love teaching, I often find myself wishing I could do this stay at home thing everyday. I'm sure every working mom struggles with the same thing.

For us, there isn't much of a choice since we both have to work to make it financially, and honestly, I enjoy working. I enjoy getting the chance to do something I am passionate about and good at.

And on those rare days I do get to spend all day with Isa, I revel in them. I am full of fervor and love for this girl and I cherish the time we have.

I know if it was everyday, I might take it for granted, as is often the case with beautiful things we see or get to do all of the time.

This is not to say I wouldn't highly consider the opportunity to be a stay-at-home-mom if I had the option, but it is to say I am thankful for what I have right now.

I am thankful for bottles, dirty diapers, toothless smiles, tiny baby barrettes, laundry, cuddling, mangoes and most of all this girl