Thursday, September 16, 2010



Our child has colic.

It's terrible.

Crying almost every night between the hours of 7 and 9pm until she finally falls asleep.

A friend of ours whose child also had colic said this... "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."

So true.

I hear they grow out of it around 6 months old, which means we have 3 more months to go...

James and I are hanging on by a thread. We bicker like never before because of the frustration and exhaustion.

We love each other; we love our daughter, but man; this is rough.

Luckily I have this to cheer me up.

1 comment:

  1. Colic is no fun! Couple of things that I've heard work well for colic... the miracle blanket, swings, and the Happiest Baby on the Block techniques (if you don't have this already, just purchase the DVD, it covers everything in the book and what mom has time to read an entire book anyways.)
