Friday, April 22, 2011

One Big Mash Up

OK, so here's what's been going on as of late:

1. Life is still very much in crazy mode and has no chance of slowing down until June 17th when Summer break officially begins.

2. We have finished remodeling our kitchen and it looks awesome! The house is really coming together (pictures coming soon).

3. I have officially gained weight, and it's not just due to having a baby. In fact, I have put on more weight in the past 3 months or so as made obvious by my increasing bottom half. I am now faced with the harsh reality that I can't eat whatever I want and not work out and still remain a size 0. If I want things to change I have to make a plan and commit... we'll see how that goes.

4. I am the process of deciding whether or not to change masters programs. I am more than half way done with my current program but have not been impressed with it thus far. I found a great online program from University of North Dakota with a concentration in ELL (English Language Learners), which is what I want to focus on and will help me a ton when we move back to the states one day; however, they will only let me transfer 9 units, meaning I'd have a long way to go before finishing; but the idea of being done with a masters sooner than later is tempting, even if the program kind of sucks, decisions are the worst (name that movie).

5. Here's a fun update: My brother-in-law has gotten and accepted a job at the school we teach at and will be moving down here with his wife and adorable baby boy in August! Hooray for family! They are young as well and we absolutely love them and cannot wait to have them here to hang out with and to watch our kids grown up together, at least for a little while!

6. #5 means we will be living in Mexico for the next 2 years, since our family will be here for that long as well. After that we are considering moving somewhere else in Latin America or going back to the good ol' USA, we shall see where opportunity lies.

7. James and I have decided that we are going to begin the adoption process this coming fall. We will be adopting from Mexico through an agency that a friend of ours went through. This could take up to a year and a half, but we are motivated and excited to get the process started. Adoption has always been something James and I were passionate about and it's awesome to see that it can now become a reality... more info on that to come.

8. OK, take a breath; that's a lot, I know. I will conclude with this: I want to make it my goal over the next year to find a way to make this blog into something that I could do for some kind of living. I love to write; my college major was Journalism. I love the idea of working from home and spending more time with my kid (eventually kids). I love the idea of making my own schedule and not having piles of work to take home with me after the official work day is done. My main issue is finding a direction for this crazy mash up of a blog that as of now rarely gets used. As well, it's finding the time to really sit and commit to working on this goal along with all of the other things going on in my life. This is why I have given myself a year to figure it out. Ideally, if this works out, I could quit my job after the 2011-2012 school year and stay at home to write and substitute teach every now and then to earn some extra income. So, I need a plan, right? Every goal needs a plan. I'll get back to you when I have that plan...

Wow, so if you're still reading... whoever "you" are, I applaud you. I will attempt to write more often here so that my posts do not become overwhelming and filled to the brim with updates in every direction. Much love and cheers to the unknown!


  1. Sweet Lomo -- I always read your posts! I'm so excited for this new chapter you are exploring!Decisions, esp big ones, are so hard. So many "what ifs?" I feel the same way so often -- how can I do what I love, have a (more) flexible schedule so that I can enjoy and life, but still be able to makes ends meet. Life has a way of working it's way out (that's what I keep reminding myself, at least) and God ALWAYS provides. Love you! And keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)

  2. Wow! Sounds like exciting things are happening (except the weight gain of course)! I'm excited to read more frequent updates from you in the future!
