One month ago our daughter was born. Isabela Jewell Kitchin.
This past month has been a whirlwind. My recovery from the c-section was brutal, which made taking care of a new baby difficult to say the least. Thankfully we had tons of help with my mom and James' mom here.
While the extra help was wonderful and needed, when everyone left, it was so nice to have it be just the three of us; our new family.
We've had our ups and downs, tired nights and tired days (thank you caffine for getting my through).
The low point was a two day period when Isabela would cry and scream in pain for hours on end, day and night. Needless to say, we were worried and felt helpless. We made an appointment with our pediatrician and the day we were to bring her in, she woke up as happy as could be... and with a diaper full of something nasty.
We think it was a stomach virus, which would explain why it only lasted two days. We still went to the doctor's and had her checked out. She checked out great and we agreed it had passed.
Now, on to happier things...
I could stare at this girl forever. She is cooing and ahhing now and actually looks at us when we talk to her. I like to think she knows us now; mommy and daddy.
Some things I've learned this past month:
-the first time your child gets sick is easily one of the worst feelings ever for you and for her
-burp clothes are a necessity and should be used at all times
-you can never have enough onesies or blankets
-just as you change a diaper, your child will go to the bathroom again, and if you're lucky, you'll have the new diaper on in time
-0-3 month clothing is huge and will not fit a newborn
-the love you have for your child is like nothing else in the world
James and I are in love with this girl, a girl who is solely dependent on us for everything. It is the closest thing to a selfless love that there is.
So sweet ... a gorgeous post. :) My sis and her husband Neil had a new baby (i think I told you that?) in late April. Julia and I were laughing at how many diapers Peter goes through in a day. He can't stand to be dirty for more than 30 seconds before he starts kvetching! Keep the baby posts a-comin!