Introducing Isabela Jewell Kitchin
We changed the spelling of her name a bit, dropping one of the l's in Isabela, which is how they spell it here in Mexico. We figure it's a small way to make her name a bit more unique and a nice little way to celebrate her birth in Mexico and the time we have and will spend here.
It all happened on June 5th, her due date. I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 7am to begin inducing labor with the hopes that the contractions would move Isabela into the correct position in the birth canal. We got up early, I showered, got dressed, double checked our hospital bag and we were on our way, It was like Christmas times a thousand.
Once we arrived to the hospital they started me on pitocin to get the contractions going. It was slow moving for a while, since the pitocin took a couple hours to kick in for me, but once it did, oh man did those things hurt. The contractions got more intense and more frequent until I felt like there was no break in between.
During all of this, my blood pressure was being closely monitored. It was unusually high when I arrived to the hospital, which my doctor and I chalked up to nerves, but as the hours went by, it got higher and did not go down. Because of this, my doctor had me give a urine sample to check for protines in the urine, which are a sign and symptom of pre-eclampsia.
When the results came back, it turned out that I had high levels of the protine in my urine. That, along with the high blood pressure were two signs that I was experiencing pre-eclampsia. In the mean time, after almost 5 hours in labor on pitocin, I hadn't dialated one bit, so my doctor decided it was best to get the baby out asap via c-section, rather than risk my health.
I was in the operating room within 10 minutes and one hour later Isabela entered this world.
She came in at 6lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. She is absolutely perfect in every way and James and I are enamered.
We are home now, after 3 nights in the hospital and my recovery has been tough, but it's getting better each day. We have a lot of help right now with my mom and James' mom at the house, which is allowing us to get some much needed rest.
We are so happy for our family of 3, 4 counting Lila.
Speaking of Lila, I will leave you with a picture of her big introduction to Isabela.